Böhmen Und Mähren Germany Stamp Collection Album Unstamped 5680 Pieces


10 in stock

SKU: HSYLMZ10714 Categories: , ,


  • Böhmen und Mähren Germany Stamp Collection Album Unstamped 5680 Pieces – Foreign Stamp 051 Product images belong to us. It will be sent as an album. Unstamped stamps are Böhmen und Mähren and Germany stamps (stamps from different countries may be mixed in). There are 5680+ stamps. Album is 50 sheets. Album weight is around 1.90 kg. CHECK OUR OTHER PRODUCTS TO SEE THE MANY TYPES OF PRODUCTS FROM CUSTOMS. All orders before our shipping time will be shipped on the same day. Check the packages when receiving the products, please do not accept damaged or torn packages or keep a report about the product. Our company is not responsible for any problems that may occur when you receive a damaged package. Please ask us any questions you may have regarding returns and exchanges. You can reach us 24/7 by sending a message for any questions/problems you may have. Our Working Hours are Monday – Saturday 08:00 – 18:00 (Our company does not work on Sundays, so your messages and cargo will be processed on Monday.)

Böhmen Und Mähren Germany Stamp Collection Album Unstamped 5680 Pieces

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